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Ark of Taste in the USA


The Ark of Taste is a living catalog of delicious and distinctive foods facing extinction. By identifying and championing these foods we keep them in production and on our plates.


The Ark was created to point out the existence of these products, draw attention to the risk of their extinction within a few generations, and invite everyone to take action to help protect them. In some cases this might be by buying and consuming them, in some by telling their story and supporting their producers, and in others, such as the case of endangered wild species, this might mean reducing consumption in order to preserve them.

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All foods on the Ark of Taste are heritage products that have cultural heritage, economic viability, and commercial potential for the communities that grow, produce, or harvest them. Our mission is to celebrate and preserve these products by introducing them to our members and to the world.

The Ark of Taste Book

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Find out more and purchase your copy at THIS LINK

Created by Slow Food, the Ark illuminates the history, identity and taste of these unique food products, many of which were revived or saved from extinction by their Slow Food champions.


The Ark of Taste book features the stories of how some of these American products almost didn’t reach our table, with recipes from Slow Food chefs and profiles of growers from around the country.


Slow Food USA has cataloged of over 200 foods in danger of extinction, and since 1996, more than 3,500 products from over 150 countries have been added to the International Ark of Taste.

Would you like to nominate a food to the Ark of Taste?

Submit your local, critically endangered food to the Ark of Taste so we can find ways to preserve and celebrate it. Click on this link to access the Nomination Form to Ark USA

Would you like to plan an event featuring the Ark of Taste?

Do you have a local and critically endangered food which you would like to share with our community? Submit your idea at and we will get back to you.

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